It started out a pretty normal day.
We were taking a few shots of the belly to show the latest growth.
nothing too intense, but enough to breath through.
Little did we know that although these had been going on for the better part of two days, off and on, about 5 minutes apart for a few hours at a time.. and then stopping and starting and so on... that this time it was the real deal!
The hubby had gone up to take a bath and I was fiddling around on the computer, when I started to feel like maybe these contractions were not only still five minutes apart... but also getting a little too strong to be "practice" ones anymore. I didn't go up and tell Al until they had been going on for almost an hour... because the truth is we were all tired of false calls, but around 11:30 pm, I went up to let him know he might want to come and time them again. After about 4 more contractions I was in full toning mode, on hands and knees leaning into my ball to get through them and telling him to call in to the birth center.
We had planned on having the whole family at the birth, but the fact that it was almost midnight by the time we were headed out the door, I decided at the last minute to leave the little kids at home with Emily and just go with Al.

Alora Dorthea Fey
April 6, 2010
4:36 AM
8 pounds 3 ounces, 19.5 inches

feeling a little goofy with the endorphins and endlessly amused by the monkey butt! : )
The kids meeting their new sister.
Roscoe fascinated by his new sister.
Emily holding her new sister.
Alora with the hint of a smile, swaddled and content! : )
Sophia finally gets to hold Alora!
Roscoe gets to hold his new sister, too!
A picture of us the next day.

I hope that you all can forgive the extra days to let you know that she finally arrived. Of course, now that she has, things have been hectic and amazing and busy and new... there has been a lot of love and only a little sleep!
The kids are all doing well, but there is adjusting going on.
I am feeling incredible... but the sleep deprivation wall is looming ahead in my near future, for sure! I haven't gotten more than 2 hours sleep at a time since the night before she was born, I have a hard time winding down and by the time I am ready, she is up and ready to eat all night long! I can not describe to you the joy and amazement and love I feel for her already. I already can not remember what it was like to not have her in our lives. Isn't it crazy how fast your entire world can change? : )
I hope that you all are doing well and thank you for all the positive energy and love sent our way! I hope to be able to sit down and write about her birth... it was intense and amazing and different from all the others, but for now I just wanted to share some photos and the news of her arrival!
Today I am thankful to have a beautiful new daughter to love and cherish and learn from!
How wonderful! What a precious addition to your family! I'm so happy for you!
Congratulations! What a beautiful little baby! I absolutely love the name Alora. I can't wait to see some more pics of your little sweetie!
I'm glad everything went well. Take care of yourself and get some sleep when you can.
I loved seeing all these photos! Congratulations---and I hope you can get some more sleep soon. She's a doll!
Hooray! Congratulations! I am so happy your little girl is finally in your arms! :) Love the photos! The one of Al and Alora made me cry - so sweet!
Blessing to you and your family! :)
Congratulations! She's gorgeous!! Great job, mama :)
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! She is absolutely beautiful!!! Thanks for sharing such amazing family photos with us!!!
I love the name, too. It seems very fitting!!!
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful... thank you for sharing such special moments with us... So blessed all of you are!
She's just beautiful! Congrats!
ooh, happy happy happy!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Congratulations!!!!! What a joy :)
crap. after rereading this, i want to get pregnant again and have a newborn again. fuck.
thanks a lot ;)
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