Friday, March 27, 2009
blog post attempt # 347
things have been decidedly hectic at the Fey household this week!
yes, I know you are probably getting bored with posts about how my life overwhelms me... but imagine being the overwhelmed one all the time!! : P
list of top however many things spinning through my brain at a torrential rate...
I am getting my surgery in just a few days.
This makes me simultaneously happy and scared.
I know logically that I will be fine.
Nothing will go wrong and I will be going home a few short hours from the time that they put me under....
BUT... I have only been put under two other times in my life, first during a routine removal of my wisdom teeth, where I woke up in the middle, with the first sound being one of my teeth being shattered.. hence throwing me into a panic(from the confusion of waking up that way) and having to be gassed... waking up with bruises all over my arms, apparently from trying to pull out the tubes when I was originally waking in the middle of surgery... and confusing memories of the whole thing.. not exactly the most pleasant experience of my life. Of course the other time went just fine. I had to have an emergency appendectomy. Unfortunately, when I woke up the next day I puked and puked.. still not sure if it was from the anesthesia or what... either way the whole thing leaves me a little uneasy.
ok that's one of the things taking turns on my inner merry-go-round.
another is that my boy has been acting wacky for about a week and a half. Is it that he is picking up on my own anxiety? Does he know something that I don't know? Is he teething like a crazy man? Is he going through his own completely unrelated issues, tripping out because he is getting so much more independent that it scares him at times?
no clue... but I do know that I am having a harder time being patient with him, since it is going on over a week of him being velcro boy, who cries every time I put him down... do you remember that sharpie commercial (I think) where the baby cries the second his toe touches the floor, but is fine when he is being held by his mom? Well, that is my boy..and his almost 30 pound butt is hard to carry around right now.. because of this darn hernia...
another thing going on is that my amazing daughter, Emily, has decided that now would be an interesting time to have a few completely age appropriate, yet no less frustrating, teenage growing pains of her own right now... for those of you with little ones... it doesn't get any easier when they need to test their boundaries when they get me!
and a deep dark secret from a part of my head where I don't go often, has been thrown in every once in awhile, too... if something were to go horribly wrong... my babies wouldn't even remember me, Emily would but the babies are too little to have much more than people tell them later. I know that nothing tragic is going to happen. It is much more likely that if something went wrong, I would poo in a bag for the rest of my life(oh yeah, that's another unpleasant thought making a cameo in my head...because let's face it... that would suck!), and not that I wouldn't make it through... it is a very standard non-complicated procedure... but honestly, I haven't even had my last two babies in a hospital(I had them both in the same bed, with amazing midwives, and the same nurse at a free standing birth center... I'll tell you about it sometime... they are both good stories! : ) I know that even giving these thoughts a second glance gives them more energy, but it's hard to keep them from making an appearance every once in awhile anyway...
Well, there's a glimpse into my crazy right now.. I really am ok.. and I KNOW that everything will be fine. I just have to try and slow down the race going around in my head.
Oh I forgot to mention that a frantic woman called me YESTERDAY about the fact that I need to have a two hour pre-op appointment on Monday.. no other day... well my hubby has to take 4 days off for me to do this and that is a kind of big deal around here... we need him to work every day that he can.... so... blah blah blah.. it's worked out... but I do wish they had told me about that when I called and asked them about it almost a month ago...sigh.. whatever... it will be ok. I am just ready for it to be over soon!
On a completely different front... we tried to go to the zoo today, but ended up taking an amazing adventure on the search for proof of spring at the park today. We found all different sorts of seeds, and have officially adopted two trees. We are going to watch them through the season to see what happens. We played in a big puddle for almost 30 minutes... and they still didn't want to leave.
Thank you bringing new life and beauty into the world. What a glorious time of year!! : )
Today I am thankful that I am able to get this surgery done very soon and start a new healthier life.
I am glad that we were able to salvage a pretty rough morning with some sunshine and dirt! : )
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Blogs, blogs, everywhere!
I wanted to share three blogs that I follow.
Two, I found when I first started blogging myself, and one I found tonight.
The first one, Jen, at Buried with Children is a mom of four, triplets and an older boy.
She is funny, and witty, and real.
The second one, BlueViolet, at A Nut in a Nutshell is a mom with two older kids.
She is funny, and quirky, and fun to read.
The third one, Keri, at Forever Folding Laundry, I don't know much about yet.
I just found it tonight, but something about the way she writes made me feel like I would want to read more!
I hope that some of you check out these blogs and find some new interesting reading!
On another note, I am going to be starting a new blog as well. Something that has been taking up quite a bit of my blogging time lately (perish the thought) is my new desire to have a more focused learning environment for my kids... sooo I am going to have a new blog about my preschool curriculum, showing fun ideas for themed activities, songs, crafts and anything else I can think of. I think it will also be a good way to keep myself organized and not repeat myself too much. Plus, I think that it would be great to bounce creative ideas around with all my bloggy friends out there! : )
I don't think that all of you will be interested in it, since some of you have much older kids, and I also don't want to have this gratitude blog get taken over... because it has become such a helpful tool in keeping a better perspective on things.
I'm working on getting things together for that one and will certainly let you all know when I get the first blog up and running! I already have my first post taped(entitled story time, which will be an at least weekly feature) and ready once I write an intro post! ; )
{alright the intro post is now up! my new blog is The Fey FamilyABCs and 123s . It is getting stupid late, so more new posts will go up on the new blog tomorrow!}
Tonight I am grateful to have some peace and quiet to write this out tonight!
(it's been busy around here lately! I had 8 teenage girls in the house overnight, and the hubby works weekends so that was 11 kids for breakfast! I felt like a short order cook!)
I am thankful that I found blogging, it has so many benefits for me.
( I know I say it all the time, but it's so so so true!)
Friday, March 20, 2009
Surgery Scheduled!!
The woman who I've been speaking with, a very nice lady btw, called me yesterday and said...
"You know Ruth, I know that you were hoping to get this done before the Dr goes on vacation, and we have an opening, but I don't know if you will want it."
me: "ok, when is it?"
"well, it's soon... it's April 1rst"
me:" oh, ok sure, I'm all in...set it up!"
"are you sure?"
me:"yup, it's soon, but I'm ready"
blah blah blah, I have my appointment.
So, of course, I call my husband to tell him, we need to request time off for him to be home with the babies that day and also for a few days after, to make sure that I am ok, and that the kids are taken care of ...
Well, he freaked out!
How about I am so un-superstitious that I didn't even think about it once until he pointed it out to me. Whoops! : )
I am still getting it done, I don't give any energy to that kind of silly negative thinking. I am ready and it is just another day really..I mean what's gonna happen?
Do you think I'll wake up from surgery and the Dr will say -hey Ruth you're bleeding out and everything's going down the toilet... (dramatic pause)JUST KIDDING... everything went great, you'll be headed home in a few hours... no ... the operation room is no place for practical jokes, so I don't think I have too much to worry about! : )
I am a little nervous because I don't like hospitals, but I am surprised at the amount of relief that I feel. I have been worried about the surgery for months and months now, and NOW that I actually have definite date ... well I feel good about it!
I am so ready to be healthy and strong again. Do you know how much it sucks to have to have someone else...carry the vacuum up and down the stairs.. not be able to get the laundry up from the basement.. the list goes on and on...
For years I did yoga everyday. I haven't been able to practice, or even stretch for months because even something as simple and seemingly "easy" as a child's pose would pop this thing out and start a whole domino effect of badness.
So, I will be getting back on track with this surgery and I CAN NOT wait!
I know that abdominal surgery is no picnic.. but at least that pain will have a foreseeable end.... and at the end of that tunnel is the opening to a much healthier & happier me.
Today I am thankful for my new perspective on this surgery.
I am grateful to have a husband who will be able to take a few days off to help me, and the kids.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Emily's 14th Birthday
the fam at dinner, BIL,sister, the kid, and her cousin.
she got a sparkler in her ice cream... fun way to end the evening! : )
me and my sister
the birthday girl. mid-present opening
the little girl cousins
Uncle Tim and ROscoe, there was a lot of hugging that day!: )
the book : )
the henna, when it was still wet
the henna has to dry on your hands for at least 6 hours... so after it dried she put gloves over her hands and went to bed. we flaked it off the next morning.
this was what it looked like right after we got it all off.
the next day it was MUCH darker.
this is what she did when I said let me see your hands for a picture to show how dark it is... you wonder why she is interested in theatre! she is a natural born drama queen! : )
Today I am thankful that my daughter enjoyed her special day!
I am grateful that she felt special and joyous... HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY!!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
The Zoo
The weather has broken a little bit... and we are feeling the spring fever around these parts like CRAZY!!!
Roscoe had fun climbing on a big alligator type thing... this is his stinker puss! : )
...the static cling hair is cracking me up here!
Sophia wanted to kiss the sheep.
the sheep wanted to eat her little plummy, peanut buttery fingers.
Mama said "no" to both parties!
It was a good time and I am SO excited to be able to get outside and run around!!
I have been working on lesson plans to help me get a little more organized in teaching Sophia. She is only 3 so it is just pre-school stuff, but she is very receptive to it.. so I am looking forward to this new part of our relationship. I am looking forward to using a lot of experiences in the zoo to "learn" from. It will have a wealth of inspiration!
I am off to finish up Emily's book. Her birthday is in two days... TIME.IS.RUNNING.OUT!!!
Tonight I am thankful to live in a city with an excellent zoo, as well as a fantastic park system. It is a big reason why I LOVE my city. My very favorite time of year is almost here... giddyup!!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Tea, for three!
So it the midst of a rather dreary, and frustratingly housebound day... we decided what we needed was to have a tea party picnic!
I felt very clever about having this idea, because before I made the decision to have a fun activity, the kids and I both were kind of grumping around. The house was mess from playing all morning and I was looking at eating up a good 45 minutes of my (much needed) quiet time as clean-up time instead, after having a disappointing lunch of PB&J, and no going to the park.... : /
as I was making sandwiches.. it hit me...
Let's have a tea party picnic!
So, I changed my attitude around and got very excited as I told the kids what we were going to do. They picked up on the excitement right away, and got very into the idea.
Here's the tray of prepped food all ready to lay out for the munchkins.
While I made the lunchtime goodies, they tidied up their toys and started bringing me the plates, cups, bowls, serving dishes, and teapot. I washed them up really quickly, and Sophia was very excited about getting to dry them for the food. I love these play dishes we have because they are made in the USA, from old milk jugs... and they are fun colors that make food a little more interesting than the "adult" dishes.
We all ended up having a great time of it. I hope to do it often now, as Sophia asks me if we can do it again everyday. I am thinking once a week will make it still fun and not turn it into something drone... but we'll see.
Just thought that I'd share a fun way to spend some time inside your own house..even if that's the last place you wanted to be! : )
the bear got some food too!
Today I am grateful that we can have fun, even though our plans don't always end up going the way we thought they would! : )
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Simple Family Fun with Food!
I know that this is nothing new.. but it always turns out so good, so I thought I'd share.
We only ever do this when the Boboli crust is on sale. I know it's not homemade, but yeast scares me, so we must all learn to deal. BUT Boboli crust WAS on sale, so we picked up a two pack of little crusts, one for each of the little ones, and Al, Emily, and I had a big one. Emily likes the original crust, Al gets the thin, and I get the whole wheat, which is really good.. if not a little sweet.
but I took this one right before I ate mine.
and yes it's dinner with Sophia in her jammies.. it was in the single digits most of the day here and they keep her warm... so she wears them all day some days! : )